Friday, February 28, 2020

Telecommunications and wireless technology Assignment

Telecommunications and wireless technology - Assignment Example The scope of technology and communication is not limited to any particular field or scope, rather it has helped making different sectors more easy to work with. Information system is an entire concept which is based on the implementation and installing of the information system in the organizations and networks for the benefit of fast working and easy execution of tasks. Literature Review: The journey of modern communication can be stretched back to the days when the communication means were slowly being transformed from wired communication to wireless ones. The wireless concept was a totally new idea which provided the people with more options in terms of the remote facility, usage of the mobile phones on the go, better services, and many more functionalities that were simply not provided by the wired telephone networks. This wireless technology came in form of 1st generation technologies formally known as the 1.G. these standards were specified by a centralized body known as the In ternational telecommunication Union (I.T.U), which looks into the matters of communication and networks and aims for further advancements and developments. I .T.U is a centralized body that looks into various aspects of the overall communication technologies promoting safer communications, specifying rules and regulations, dedicating channels and frequencies, providing platforms for further research, collaborating with other mega partners towards improvements of the communication technologies and also ensuring that the communication technologies are incorporated into other fields for the purpose of welfare of mankind and society. The first generation technology was formally known as the AMPS technology(Arokiamary 2009) which is acronym for Advanced Mobile Phone Services, these services were characteristic of being analogue in nature, facilitating limited number of customers across a dedicated channel, and with limited or no secure mechanism for protecting the privacy and data of the customers. Another characteristic of this concept was its limitation to mere voice traffic and being void of the data communications. To bring about advancements in the concept of wireless means of communication, a step forward was taken in form of migration towards second generation technologies which were formally known as the 2.G, which again was being parented by the I.T.U. The 2nd Generation technologies were meant for overcoming all the short comings that were there in the 1st generation technologies in form of the limited capacity, limited channel and customer entertaining, less secure means of operations. All this was overcome by transferring the overall concept to digital transmission and relying on the digital signal in contrast to the analogue signals which were largely in practice in the predecessor technological servicing entity. Few of the features of the second generation technologies included digital transmission, higher frequency bands, more secure algorithms adopt ion for the purpose of improved functioning and secure services, along with the using of channels and coding techniques that made the overall process of communication easy not just for the subscribers but the service providers as well. Some of the major concepts and entities of the second generation technologies include the usage of G.S.M (Global Systems for Mobile Communications), G.P.R.S (General

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

To What Extent Do Postcolonial Writers Articulate a Coherent a Useful Essay

To What Extent Do Postcolonial Writers Articulate a Coherent a Useful Notion of Home - Essay Example The home in which the natives came from have disappeared. Most of the original literature and the oral culture of the native Caribbean’s were not preserved; hence no cultural mark had been passed over to the following generations. The fact that the African-Caribbean people were enforced to reject their own heritage caused them not to have a traditional culture and an image to identify with. This has caused the natives to constantly adapt to the modern culture, thus not being able to grasp their own in whole. The poem Alpha is divided into three parts, which are ‘Mother Poem’, ‘Sun Poem and X/Self. Smaller divisions of Ancestor comprise of individual poems. The framework in which the poem is structured is in accordance with the context of universality, while being able to form a personal interaction through engaging the readers intimately. The association between the three voices in the Ancestor personifies the father, the mother and the son or the narrator, in relation to their Motherland. The poem captures the essence of familial integration and separation. The first verse is ambiguous. The subject of mother can be referred to as the author's mother whom he misses, or most likely, the author's motherland, as can be seen in the following lines, â€Å"the ancient watercourses of my island/ echo of rver. Trickle. Worn stone/ the sunken voice of glitter iching its pattern to the sea/ memory of foam. Fossil. Erased beaches high above the eaten†.5 The poem started with descriptions of an environment in which the author longs for, as personified in a form of a mother. The author misses his homeland and wishes to go back to his native land to comfort his female parent. The second verse is a description of the Americans or the West Indians. The author hints that his family has migrated to the United States of America, as deduced from the lines "the world Columbus found" and "the world Raleigh raided". 6The statements are symbolized by the following lines in the second part of the poem, â€Å"& my father swims through the noise / Through the blankets of jute on his lungs / & he is Caesar again at the Hellespont†. As for the references to the plantations, the setting in which the author's family migrated to is in New Orleans, it is where most black slaves have migrated to in the previous decades. In a nutshell, the second part is the author's description of his life as his family moved to New Orleans, where sugar plantations are abound. The second part of the poem also implies that the author's parents worked at the plantations in New Orleans. This fact has been deduced from the lines "through the blankets of jute on his lungs" and "maker of chalk dust".7 The line "she waits with her back slowly curving to mountain" represents her mother who have waited in patience and have gotten old, who lived her life in despair from working and waiting for his husband.8 This emotion is evident in the last part of the second division of the poem, â€Å"She waits for his return with her gold rings of love / Wl the miners tr ove that binds her to his world / She waits w/ her back slowly curving to mountain†.9 The last part of the